I’ve had a brilliant career. Well, actually a few of them. Through it all, I’ve used my communication skills to persuade, solicit, enroll, entice and promote. I’ve been committed to helping others and giving back. That’s why I’m coaching—to help you find your brilliant career.
I’ve done well and done good.
I didn’t set out to be a career coach. But I’ve got the work history, skills and personality that make me a great coach. I have successfully switched careers several times including at the age of 30. I’ve experienced twists and turns—getting fired, getting laid off, and losing a job I moved 3,000 miles for. I have always landed on my feet, and landed great jobs—working in environmental justice, youth development, literacy and community development programs.
I’ve mastered the art of getting interviews and getting job offers. (I’ve also been on the other side of the desk as a nonprofit manager. I have interviewed hundreds of people.) And, despite years of working in politics, I have remained true to my vow to be authentic. I only took jobs that met my criteria. I’ve quit bad jobs and bad bosses. I’ve walked my talk.
My credentials: I am a certified coach (CPCC) trained at the Coaches Training Institute. I have a MS in Organizational Management. I am a certified yoga teacher, a graduate of the Tamalpa Institute Expressive Arts program, and a longtime Authentic Movement practitioner. I’ve studied somatic coaching at the Strozzi Institute and done coursework in “Listening to Bodies Long Distance,” (which means I work with body language, breath and voice over the phone!). I am a student of “Voice Dialogue,” a methodology that recognizes the value or working with different parts of ourselves. I find Voice Dialogue is a great way to work with making decisions and getting out of the stuck places so many of us know all too well.
Thanks to getting personal coaching support, I got married for the first (and last!) time at 53 years old. I’m delighted that this union offers me the opportunity to travel to Africa annually as co-leader with my husband Tom’s Open Heart Safari tour. I’m also a dog lover. Every day you can find me romping in the Oakland, CA hills with my big, beautiful dog Otis.