Thoughts about rigorous honesty and reaching your goals
Every fall, I get honest with myself about patterns and behaviors that are in my way. I put pen to paper (the old fashioned way) and write down the habits of mind and spirit that are in the way of doing my good work in the world.
And then I forgive myself – because I’m only human- and I think about how to re-dedicate myself to doing good for myself and on my behalf (because that’s what will help me do and be good for others and for the larger community). Which means I affirm what is good in me. Because what’s good in me needs to be cultivated if I’m going to be stronger and more successful professionally.
I value the chance to coach myself with rigorous honesty and to think hard about what it would be like to be my best self. This goes deeper and wiser than listening to the inner critic.
All of us veer away from our best selves. We get stuck in patterns that hold us back and hurt us. We get tired, we get discouraged, and we get off track. We know we are better, smarter, kinder, clearer or energetic. Deep down, we want better for ourselves. And we want to show up for ourselves- being smart, kind, clear and energetic.
Why not use the “back to school season” to take an honest look at your patterns and sharpen your focus for the last three months of the calendar year.
Here are a few categories on my list. I write down the behavior or pattern, and then I get specific, really specific about what it’s costing me to keep acting or feeling that way. (Disclaimer: this is only a partial list!)
Negative attitude.
Negative self-talk.
No follow-through.
Half-hearted effort.
Veering from my values.
I hope something here is painfully familiar to you, too. Perhaps you want to come clean regarding your attitude toward work; or, waiting until 11 pm to send in job applications and take no time to proofread what you’re sending.
The good news is you can release these patterns and start anew.
So get out some paper, ‘fess up, forgive yourself and do right by yourself. And if you need coaching to get really honest and get back on track, contact me!