Make the decision before the decision is made for you. As a career coach, I can tell you that people who stay in unfulfilling jobs often get a rude awakening […]
Respect yourself!
Here’s the the most important piece of advice I give all my clients working on finding their right work and finding satisfaction in their jobs: Respect yourself! As a coach, […]
May Day! What do you want to demand in the workplace?
A good coach gives her clients assignments. In honor of May Day, I’ve got one for you. Sit down and write a letter to your boss with your demands. I’m […]
Moving on when your job is beating you up
Being in a job that enslaves you can suck the life out of you. It wrecks havoc with your self-esteem. It can ruin your enthusiasm for work. It could literally […]
Make an offer that reflects your self-worth
All of us have gifts, but some of us never open our packages. If you can’t find your gifts, you’re probably looking in the wrong places! We’ve been taught that a key […]
Am I good fit? Getting feedback in the Internet Age
Most people looking for work don’t get much feedback. And that leaves a big black hole for figuring out how to improve your job search strategies and materials. Resumes go […]
Commanding Presence as a Fundraiser: The Body-Mind Connection
Whether you’re soliciting funds person-to-person or front-of-room, it is critical that you establish your presence. You want to communicate with confidence and warmth, steadiness and strength. You want to capture […]
Learn the AEIOUs of assertive, embodied communication
Everyone deserves to feel proud of her accomplishments. Align your body, voice and energy to communicate, “I am”! Here are tips to help you. A – Arrive Make your presence […]
The most dreaded interview questions: tips to win them over without lying
Which interview questions do you dread the most: why did you leave your last job? Tell me about yourself (e.g., is there a logical thread in your work history?). What […]
Afraid of interviews? What to do when you’re shy
Conventional wisdom is that you have to toot your own horn to get hired or promoted. That’s great advice when you’re comfortable talking boldly and confidently about yourself. Not all […]