Don’t be an ostrich with your head in the sand!
Here’s a test to see if you need to get out of the office and into the daylight. (This test applies if you’re stuck in your job search.)
You have one minute to answer this question: what are your top three accomplishments in the workplace? Make sure you highlight the skills you used!
If you can’t answer this question clearly and confidently, it’s time to get into the light.
The telltale sign that you’ve been in job too long is being unable to name your strengths and show your impact. As a career coach, here’s something I see all the time: talented people who have lost touch with reality. They don’t value the contributions they make in the workplace. They don’t know how to talk about their accomplishments and achievements. They’re quick to downplay their skills and talents.
They take for granted all the amazing things they do. And they often feel invisible.
They are so used to putting in extra effort that they think they’re not good enough if they’re not able to keep up.
Getting a fresh perspective on what you do have to offer is the best first step to shifting careers, getting a promotion, and rebuilding your confidence.
That means – have a conversation with someone you respect and talk about what you do at work. Ask for feedback, specifically about the skills and impact that you use. Better yet, meet with a colleague or peer to brainstorm ideas for your next career move.
Write down what they say. Take note of the skills they highlighted, the qualities they identified, and the accomplishments they noted. Write down ideas that came up for your next career move.
Then get out in the sunshine and consider your next move.
If you need help figuring that out or you still have doubts, contact me. I’ll look carefully to help identify your talents, gifts, skills and achievements. You have a lot to offer. Trust me.