Imagine that you’re Grace Jones. Spiked hair. Black leather. Pistol toting. Arched eyebrows. Everything about you is angled, sharp, edgy. You’re tall, you’re strong, you’re gorgeous. You’re an Amazon. You are imposing. Intimidating. Alluring.
You command attention.
You exude strength and power.
There was a time that I discovered my inner Grace Jones. She wasn’t exactly Grace. She was Ramona. Flaming red haired Ramona with long, razor sharp fingernails. She was red, red, RED. Red hair, firehouse red nails, ruby red lips, flaming red scarf, and red patent leather stiletto heels. I was NOT at all fiery or red at the time. I was depressed and feeling small. If I were to give myself a color, it would have been a soft pastel pink. In need of cuddles and swaddling. Broken hearted, disempowered, lost, tender. But I had to get out of bed every day, muster the energy for work, find a way to smile and inspire some confidence rather than communicating the message that I was in crisis. SOS.
I, Laura, did not feel confident or happy. I felt very, very small.
Some part of me was inspired to seek help, which came in the form of writing and inviting in a more powerful me. Without a lot of thought, I began… “when Ramona walked in to a room, all heads turned. She was beautiful and fierce. It was as if no one else mattered. She was IT. She was sizzling hot and whip smart. She left a wake of gaping mouths in her tracks.
As you can imagine, Ramona had many choices and lots of admirers. She took charge. She set her sights on goals. She made things happen.
I enjoyed getting to know my inner Ramona.
For one of my clients- a modest, introverted, mechanical engineer, Grace Jones was an idol. Grace embodied precisely what this woman was not, at least on the surface. Grace presented an energy and a perspective that could help take this woman from uninspired work to a more fulfilling, dynamic lifestyle. Before long, this woman had moved and was a Deejay in her spare time. Her work no longer defined her.
Do you have an inner Ramona? A Grace Jones ready to step forward and sing? A badass Bonnie Raitt? A muscled, shaved headed Mr. T?
There are times we need an unlikely champion. Maybe she’s our opposite. Maybe she forces us to get out of bed. Maybe she adds a red scarf as you’re rushing out the door. Maybe she just makes us laugh instead of cry.
Ramona did more than give me a richer fantasy life. She helped me see that there was fire in me that wanted to be expressed. Giving her some space helped me connect to a broader range of emotions in my system. In turn, that helped me channel some fire when I really needed it.
Go ahead, think about who you might want to channel. Give that person a little space and attention, perhaps with some writing and see how s/he influences your mood and your thinking.
Have fun!