All of us have gifts, but some of us never open our packages.
If you can’t find your gifts, you’re probably looking in the wrong places!
We’ve been taught that a key to getting hired is a winning elevator pitch and success stories that demonstrate our skills and impact.
Forget about making a pitch. The key to success is making an offer. Because when you hold your employment application (or resume, cover letter, or letter of introduction) as an offer, that’s the moment you hold yourself with the respect and appreciation and self-worth. And when you extend that offer, your physiology will reflect a quality of giving, self-respect and the desire to be received.
Now that you’re thinking about your “offer,” you will start to realize that your bowl is full. In fact, it’s overflowing. You’ve got a lot to give: talents, skills, gifts, training, experience, personal character and values (not to mention common sense).
When you extend your offer, you are drawing from your bowl and making the choice that says you want to give your precious time and talents in service of someone else’s mission. You are the one choosing what you want to give and who you want to give it to.
Remember that sense of abundance when you look at job listings and sit in interviews. Remember that full bowl and all you have to give.
You have a lot to offer and an employer would be lucky to have you.