Like a good perfume, your resume should entice and linger.
Not too much or you’ll overwhelm.
Just enough that you’ll be remembered. For the right things.
Just enough to call for more attention.
Like perfume, the best resume has strong “top notes”. Conveying your skillset and accomplishments. This is what draws us in.
Well blended, the notes should dance together, not jagged or clashing.
Not too much of anything.
Good balance.
A clean finish. Relevant, simple, and easy to absorb.
A format that anyone can assimilate. Clear strengths. Solid accomplishments. Spicy results.
A flow that supports the top notes. Begin with what we must know. Then we will delve in to know more.
Harmonious, balanced. Not one that mixes qualities, not one that mixes narrative, bullets, sidebars, fonts… these scents clash.
Like a good perfume, a resume should last all day. In a good way.
How does your resume rate in the sniff, ease and balance test?