Putting your life vest on first applies to times you’re on land – and in the air.
On land, that life vest is your body. Too often, you lose touch with yourself when you’re speaking and there is something at stake. Your body is a resource that can help you stay calm, focus your energy and communicate powerfully.
Connecting to yourself on a physical level is as important as what you say.
The body is a wonderful feedback loop. Everything you do to connect to yourself influences your mind and your audience. If you convey ease, chances are others will feel relaxed too. If you stand with power and confidence, others may unconsciously sit up and listen. Studies show that a powerful posture can shift our mental outlook even when we’re not feeling brave. http://www.ted.com/talks/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_shapes_who_you_are.html
And, if you are wringing your hands, clearing your throat or moving from one foot to the other, those distractions will speak perhaps as loudly as as your words. Nervous habits fuel nervous energy. And actions do speak louder than words!
Starting with yourself is Rx for you, and it sets the stage for a more attentive audience. Your first job is to take care of your nervous system so that you can be at ease. Then, you take steps to get grounded, balanced and confident. Finally, you might add in a posture or gesture that keeps you feeling inspired. Feeling into your physical body brings the mind and emotions in line.
Breathe. Taking care of the nervous system helps to center and calm. As you listen into the breath, you become more awake and aware. More oxygen flows to your brain. Your breath can become a tool to power your voice rather than swallowing it and speaking softly.
Make contact. Remember that you have a body. You are solid. Place a hand on your belly and another on your heart. This gives you comfort, it’s a message that you’re whole, and it helps you speak from your gut, heart and mind.
Feel your feet or your seat. Play with metaphors of balance and grounding. When your weight is evenly distributed you project balance and ease. It’s also harder for someone to knock you off-balance. Conversely, you don’t appear over eager, nor do you seem to be backing away.
Starting with your body takes care of your well-being and creates space and energy for the doing of communicating, listening and engaging with others. Give yourself Rx by remembering you are a physical being and not a talking head!