Information is like a sunny day.
Information is the difference between being stuck-unhappy-uncertain-muddled-complaining and being in motion-on-a-path-inspired with an eye on the future.
When you’re stuck, you are “in there” – a place that is familiar and unsatisfying.
You’re almost in a fog. You can’t see what is “out there.”
Too many of us spend time thinking and worrying and wondering and knowing it’s time to do something, to make a change. We think the first step is ACTION. That’s not true.
The first step in a job search is: GETTING INFORMATION.
The good news is that getting information can be easy. It can be inspiring. It can be fun. Getting information is truly doable. And, it can help clear the fog and the cobwebs!
Before you start brainstorming what you want to know and where or who might be good sources of information, get a little excited because learning and gaining insights leads to clarity. As you gain information, you gain knowledge, and with that you get more powerful and more capable of getting what you want. Which is a job or career you really love.
Now, take out a piece of paper or open a file on your computer. Write “GET INFORMATION” at the top of the page.
It’s brainstorming time.
What do you want to know?
Write down every question you have.
Write down people and places you’ve heard of, those you know and those you want to know.
Write down jobs and skills and talents… anything that you wonder about using or developing or doing.
Let your questions be your guide as you research, talking to friends and family, colleagues and co-workers. Be a researcher and an explorer.
Allow yourself to feel the ease of gathering information, rather than the pressure of finding a job or knowing what you want to do. You have to get clear first.
Take your first step! Open your eyes and your mind! Have at it!
Sunny skies are ahead!