Perspective has everything to do with success in a job search. Your perspective influences your attitude and energy, which influences your communication skills and your motivation. All of us get […]
Yes You Can!
It’s campaign season. I’ll bet you remember: Yes, we Can! What a great campaign slogan. It conveys power. It asserts success. It communicates capability, competency and action. It sets the […]
When do you flub it?
Call it choking, call it the imposter syndrome, call it nervous energy… you know when you flub it. You know what it looks like and what it sounds like. You […]
Are you back-tracking?
Some naturalists consider wild animal tracks to be a doorway into the spirit. Let’s open that doorway and take a look. And let’s look specifically at how you move toward […]
You’ve been fired!
So have I. And it turns out that you’ve got company. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2014 an average of 55,939 people were laid off or fired EACH […]
Where is your career path leading to?
Robert Frost famously wrote about the path not traveled. Does that apply to your career path? Your career path is indeed a path.You have been putting down tracks and creating […]
Separating the wheat from the chaff
The eve of the autumnal equinox is the time to look at what’s ready to harvest, what needs cultivating and what’s compost. Take an honest look at your behaviors, actions […]
Breaking open to change
If you’re working on a career change, the truth is you’re doing spiritual work. It takes soul searching to get clear about your work in the world and knowing what’s […]
Summer is a wake up call
If you wake up one day wondering what you want to do for a living, you’re not alone. As a career coach, I meet people every day that are what […]
Respect yourself!
Here’s the the most important piece of advice I give all my clients working on finding their right work and finding satisfaction in their jobs: Respect yourself! As a coach, […]