Whether you’re behind the scenes or in front of the room, you make a difference. Here’s a framework, and some language, you can use to talk about yourself.
The Glitter and The Glue.
It’s easy to picture people who are the glitter because they call attention to themselves. Whether in a meeting or in writing, the glitter gets noticed and takes credit. She gets credit because everyone knows what she does. She’s a people person, as they say.
But the glue can go un-noticed, and perhaps unappreciated.
Often, the person who is the glue works on the back-end. In a support role. Behind the scenes. Quality control. Crossing i’s and dotting t’s.
The Glue makes sure that things run smoothly. Seamless. Quiet. Unobtrusive.
The Glue knows how to make the Glitter look good. Making sure that the glitter gets to the podium on time, knows who to schmooze with, knows who to thank.
During a gala, the Glue is sitting by the stage. She has made sure that everyone was on time, that everyone had the program schedule. She took care of the flower arrangements and the vendors, she made sure everyone had seat assignments, and place cards. She made sure the place looked beautiful, and she will make sure that everyone gets thank you notes by end of business tomorrow.
The Glitter gets credit. Everyone knows what she does. She makes friends. She gets attention. She wants attention. She writes a press release, she steps up to the podium, she is wearing a beautiful dress, her smile is brilliant. She is the one we remember at the end of the evening. The glitter gets people excited and keeps them moving
For the glue among us, we may have to TELL people what we do, especially when our work isn’t always visible (because it isn’t supposed to be).
For the glitter among us, remember that we’re the sparkle that opens doors and minds. People listen to us, people may want to follow us. Remember thatwe should be taken seriously; we’re not all fluff and personality.
Yes, sometimes we’re the glue and sometimes we’re the glitter. Notice when you’re which one and appreciate your value. Glitter won’t stick without glue. Glue may not have anywhere to go if the glitter hasn’t sparked some action!