It’s important to mark transitions. Follow this guided meditation and notice doorways that you have stepped through, what you have lost and what you are moving toward.
I wanted to invite you to write and think about the theme of thresholds. One reason is because it’s this time of graduation and commencement, but also because I think we have had shifts in our lives. Potentially we’re leaving things behind or have had loss, maybe not even of our own choosing. Maybe something as mundane as you gave up your office because of the sheltering in place, and that was not what you wanted. Some people have lost jobs, perhaps people have changed the way they’re living, there are so many things that we’ve shifted. Sometimes we intentionally leave things behind, and sometimes they’re taken away. There may be things that we want to leave behind, and there may be things that we want to step over a threshold towards. And celebrate the feeling of leaving one place and moving into a new place.